
O & K

O & K were the "in-between" wedding I mentioned in my last post... so they weren't exactly "now" they were a few months back (hence the fall leaves) but they have fewer than the 6,000+ photos that were my undertaking of my brothers wedding ... and seriously, choosing a handful of photos to post on the blog from 6,000 is kind of crazy... even from the 2,500 we narrowed those 6,000 to is pretty crazy! But, I will get to it... soon! :)
So we begin (hopefully on the right foot!) with O & K... these two were up for ANYthing! which is SO fun for a photographer! They gave me freedom to shoot wherever my little heart desired... (well within reason of thier ceremony and reception of course!) we made for downtown Hanford, a beautiful open field at sunset, and that gorgeous orange orchard (leaves, not fruit).  Beautiful couple.  So much fun to shoot! Congrats you two, I hope you have been enjoying your photos!


Hot Sauce Mama said...

Erin! So great to see you posting again! I ABSOLUTELY ADORE your work! I mean amazing! Love all of them! Thanks for sharing!

bloomers shoppe said...

those orchard pictures are fantastic!! I want to see big ones cause i bet those leaves are incredible full size. i love your new header too. so vibrant and fun! i want to say clearly that i am happy you have posted, but not in a manipulative, "it's 'bout time," sort of a way, because i totally understand how you feel. and i'm not half as busy as you are. i just go through weird seasons. i was totally in a blog-funk for a long time. you are a successful-mom-wife-business-owner and more important things take priority. we understand. :) i love you and i love these pictures!

Elly Bryant Photography said...

I love your stuff Erin!! maybe I will see you at the Bridal Show in March!